Tuesday, 15 October 2013

At a standstill

The last 4 weeks have been slow - dead quiet actually. Nothing has happened on site in that time. The delay is caused by a delay in the manufacture of roof trusses. The expected delivery date is next week, 23 October. So even if they are delivered then, it will have been a 5 week standstill on site. Not what I was expecting. Our house will definitely be the last finished on the street - not that this is an issue for me, it's more indicative how everything has taken a long time on our build.

There is nothing I can do. I am feeling anxious as I would really like our roof on before the sub-tropic cyclonic season hits here in sunny SE Queensland. And preferably all of the cladding too!

In the meantime, we have packed our house and moved to a new rental. Our lease expired this month, and rather than incur a large rent increase, we have downsized to save $$ in the intervening 6 months. It has consequently been a busy and stressful month! We moved only yesterday, and we love the house we have moved into, however still lots to do. We are trying to minimise the unpacking so that it's not as hard in 6 months time. Still so much to clean in both the old and new house, I just want to come up for air!

The house as it stands at the moment:

Hoping for more exciting news soon!

E x

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